Thu 2 Mar 2023


Artists in Residence 2022

Trackie Mcleod

In August, we welcomed Scottish Artist Trackie McLeod as one of our Otherlands 2022 Artists in Residence, inviting him to create a one-off piece to exist within the festival grounds.

In true Trackie-style, his piece “Cher Lloyd, By Cher Lloyd, 2022” immortalised the viral 2013 YouTube video into an acrylic light box mounted onto scaffolding, quoting the iconic phrase used across Scotland and beyond.

“I wanted to celebrate the best thing about being Scottish, the world class patter. Speaks for itself really.” - Trackie Mcleod.

Council Baby

As our second Artist in Residence, we welcomed Council Baby to the Otherlands to create her very own immersive & interactive piece, "Sorry What Were You Saying Mate".

The room complete with a telephone, television, handsets and two PVC chairs, became a peaceful refuge from the bustling festival grounds. The netted walls of the room provided a cosy haven to observe the Otherlands, while the outside world was unable to see in.

"It can be really difficult to tell people how you feel about them, so I wanted to build a conversation lab for all the conversations you should probably have..." - Council Baby

We're looking for multi disciplinary artists to join us in the Otherlands this year. Whether your speciality is in sculpture, installations, graphic design or photography, we want to hear from you.

For our Scottish Artist in Residence programme - we're inviting you to create an installation that'll exist within the Otherlands world this August. We're looking for immersive and innovative ideas to engage our community. If you're interested, send your portfolio to 

Our popular poster competition is also back for 2023. Submit your designs or photography for a chance to win tickets and have your posters displayed in the festival grounds. If you want to enter, you can find our submission box at

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